41: Learn to Recognize and Treat Traumatic Brain Injury

PsychPearls by Psychiatric Times - Podcast tekijän mukaan PsychPearls by Psychiatric Times

PSYCHPEARLS PODCAST Learn to Recognize and Treat Traumatic Brain Injury David Arciniengas, MD   March is brain injury awareness month. According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control, nearly 3 million individuals a year suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI), and psychiatric disturbances are the most-common long-term effects of these injuries. In this edition of Psych Pearls, we speak to David Arciniegas, MD, about how to spot TBI and its psychiatric sequalae—and how to give effective treatment.    Dr Arciniegas is professor and senior research neuropsychiatrist in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. He is director of research at the Marcus Institute for Brain health and editor of the Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences.

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