Real Marketing Real Fast


Tips on how to build a great brand by Rick Cesari

I'm looking to get back two dollars of revenue for every dollar of advertising that I spend
I have a free sheet for your listeners called The Five Keys to Build a Great Brand (see below)
What do you do with your product or service that is different from everybody else?
Create awareness for the product and always have some type of offer and a way for people to respond
Videos work so well because of the simple fact that it appeals to two senses. Images come alive when you're using video

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Create awareness for the product and always have some type of offer and a way for people to respond

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Doug: Well, welcome back listeners to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Today we've got a special guest in studio joining me. I am super excited as a big fan of direct response, direct response advertising, and seeing companies grow to this particular venue ... I'm super excited to have Rick Cesari joining me in the studio. He is an expert. You'll want to tune in, listen in, and take some notes.

Rick has been a pioneer in the brand response advertising business since the '90s. He's helped create the concept of selling while you brand, and he's been a force behind the creation of many of today's iconic consumer brands, including Sonicare, the George Foreman Grill, OxiClean, and many others. He has helped companies take products like GoPro from a startup to over a billion dollars in sales in just a few short years.

Rick's newest book, Building Billion Dollar Brands, put his experience with winning companies in the hands of everyday business owners, marketers, brand managers, and more. Rick continues to put his experience and his cutting-edge vision to work for brands, big and small alike. Today he's focused on video marketing and it is the next entry into the billion dollar branding. He's creating and implementing innovative cross-platform strategies with digital and mobile venues or ventures for his clients.

When Rick's not working, he enjoys reading, skiing, fishing and hiking, and for this 50th birthday he achieved one of his all-time goals, and that was a successful summit climb to Mount McKinley in Alaska. He resides with his wife, Martha, and daughter, Anna, in Seattle, Washington, so he's just a little bit south of us. I'm super excited to welcome Rick to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today.

Rick Cesari: Hey Doug. It's great to be here, and I really appreciate the very nice introduction you did.

Doug: Well thank you. I can appreciate all the things that you do for your hobbies in terms of fishing, hiking, and skiing because you live in a great part of the world.

Rick Cesari: Absolutely. It gives us more opportunity to do those things out in the Pacific Northwest.

Doug: So was there anything I missed in the introduction or anything you'd like to add before we get started today.

Rick Cesari: One thing, as we talk about big numbers like billion-dollar brands, I just want your listeners to understand that almost every one of the products that we're going to talk about today I started working with on an agency basis when they were just getting started, and that probably the things we're going to talk about today are great tactics and strategies for small businesses to use that are just getting started or just launching products, and don't be frightened by some of the big numbers that you mentioned in the introduction, because most of those products, like I said, I started working with them when they were doing very little...