Real Marketing Real Fast


Tips on how to start a successful podcast with Justin Schenck

Your friends always support you, but they don't support you publicly until the public supports you. 
If you post a video on Facebook, your average view is nine seconds, but here we are turning out 30 minutes, 40-minute episodes and my audience are listening to everything single word.
Podcasting is "long-form" engaging content
Podcast listening audiences are usually more highly educated, their attention span is longer, and after they listen to you for so long, it's like you're building your relationship with them. 
I encourage anybody who at least wants to explore getting into podcasting to take that first step and start doing it, I guarantee they'll fall in love with it. 
If somebody came to me and said I wanna start a podcast about jelly beans, I'd be like, "Cool, since somebody actually wants to do that. there's probably a listenership there." 
The live event was something that I wanted to do before I even had the podcast. 
There are other ways you can utilize your show to help your business whether it is podcasting, marketing, or whatever.

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If you post a video on Facebook, your average view is nine seconds, but here we are turning out 30 minutes, 40-minute episodes and my audience are listening to everything single word.

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Doug: Well, welcome back. Well, it's just another of episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Today in the studio, I've got joining me a friend and a fellow podcaster Justin Schenck and I met Justin at the New Media Summit in San Diego just about a year ago. We connected, we kind of hit it off, he's a pretty sharp guy. He's got some great ideas. He's a successful entrepreneur. But in addition to that, he's not only a podcaster, but he has a podcast production and coaching business and he also has a Mastermind, which I am part of as a client with him.

So in today's episode, we're gonna talk about podcasting and podcasting is a long game and how to monetize it and monetization doesn't necessarily mean advertising. There are lots of ways to monetize a podcast, to grow your business and see significant growth in your business and both to realize your vision. And so Justin's gonna share a bit how he got started, how this work and how he went from the beginning as a podcaster. Now to creating and hosting a live event with all sort of celebrity speakers and millionaires and billionaires in the room.

So stay tuned, turn up your speaker, sit back and listen and enjoy as I welcome Justin Schenck to the Real Marketing Real Fast Podcast. So welcome to the Real Marketing Real Fast Podcast. I'm super excited to connect with you today Justin.

Justin Schenck: Yeah, Doug, I'm excited about the conversation. We've built rapport over the last ... I don't know even how many months and I'm just really excited to be a part of the show man.

Doug: Well, it's interesting, I mean, we met at the New Media Summit and that was the first time I'd been there and you'd been there before. And one of the things I thought was interesting was we there with 40 icons, which I was one of the newest guys there. And it seemed like you were the only one out of the entire group that actually took advantage of the year before and actually leveraged that for your brand and to grow your business.

Justin Schenck: Yeah. I don't think I ever had like a cool title before that event. And when I was told I was an icon of influence in the new media space, I was like, "That sounds really amazing. I'm gonna run with this." And what I ended up doing was I've gotten speaking gig...