Real Marketing Real Fast


Tips on how to target, connect and convert sales leads with Craig Klein

Everybody's trying to move the sales numbers. That's not unique or different. It's all about how do we do it, right?
So we just try to make it easy for the salesperson to see the lead when it's available, also to give teams a way to sort of autoroute leads to the right people at the right time.
What that means is that leaves zero time for salespeople to focus on the leads that said no last month or a quarter ago or six months ago. When you run the numbers, that is such a lost opportunity. It's just huge for any business.
If you and I talked six months ago and I presented you my product and you said no and now you're on my lead nurturing campaign.
Stepping into the customer's world and understanding their needs is the number one way to create good marketing content.
Now what I see in articles and webinars and things is it takes seven or eight touches to close a sale. You've got to automate some of it.
We like to on not just how many new leads did I talk to but how many new leads did I identify, whatever that looks like in your world.
What I see businesses do is they try to motivate salespeople to be part of the system by handing them nice little bells and whistles, and that just doesn't work.

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Everybody's trying to move the sales numbers and convert sales leads. That's not unique or different. It's all about how do we do it, right?

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Doug: Hello and welcome back listeners to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Today in the studio I have to join me, Craig Klein. Small and medium-sized businesses suffer from two main challenges that slow growth. Number one, potential customers just don't know that they even exist, and number two, salespeople are investing too much time seeking out customers who don't need what they're selling instead of helping those that do.

Craig Klein is the founder and CEO of SalesNexus and has developed a system to address these challenges simply and affordably, ultimately helping grow thousands of businesses. SalesNexus is a leading CRM platform, automation, lead generation solution for companies with sales teams of 10 to 100. Together with his team at SalesNexus, Craig works with startups at Fortune 500s to create systems that give salespeople more time to sell to qualified leads to sell to while giving management the accountability that is so elusive in sales.

Craig is a member of the Forbes Agency Council, where he's also a contributing writer. Craig is the father of three beautiful children. He is an avid sailor. He's an avid hunter and skier and when he's not growing the SalesNexus team and/or writing, he's probably planning his next adventure to somewhere you've never heard of. With that said, I'd like to welcome Craig Klein to the Real Marketing Real Fast Podcast today.

Well, Craig, I'm super excited to have you on the Real Marketing Real Fast Podcast today, so thanks for taking time out of your day to join us.

Craig Klein: Thank you, Doug. I'm really happy to be here. Can't wait to have our conversation.

Doug: Well, and you've got a super exciting topic. Who doesn't want to know about sales and marketing, moving the sales dial and crushing the competition, as your bio said, and being the dominant player in your marketplace?

Craig Klein: Yeah, everybody's trying to move the sales numbers. That's not unique or different. It's all about how do we do it, right? I find a lot of people are just groping and just sort of trying to do everything and overwhelming ...