From $2.50 an Hour to $15k+ Per Month Remote Closer | Remote Closing Academy Podcast

Remote Closing Academy Podcast - Podcast tekijän mukaan


Learn More About Remote Closing Here: In the next episode of the Remote Closing Academy podcast, we're sitting down with Javier to share his success story after enrolling into RCA. Now Javier is a living proof that being a remote closer from the United States is possible. Coming from El Salvador who started his own business 20 years ago, going broke and being in a large amount of debt, he had to find a job just so he could get by every day even if it means only working for $2.50 an hour. He also started his own agency which tremendously failed as well. That's when he discovered about Remote Closing and fast forward to present times, he's now making more than $15,000 per month which is more than what the President of El Salvador makes in a month!   We're going to hear out Javier's message to everybody who's hesitant in being a Remote Closer, the emphasis on why you shouldn't settle with what you have and you should never settle no matter how many failures you encounter and no matter what problem stands in your way. Javier is absolutely one of the best and most unique remote closing success stories that we've had in our podcast so make sure to listen to his story especially if you currently see yourself in the same scenario as he did.

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