Dessa: Queen of Beats... and Buttercream Flowers
Sleeping with Celebrities - Podcast tekijän mukaan John Moe - Keskiviikkoisin

Dessa is many things but mostly she’s a cake decorator. For our purposes for this episode, at least. Oh sure, you may know her has a brilliant musician, rapper, poet, and occasional guest host on public radio. You may have heard her work on Welcome to Night Vale or heard her in action as part of the Doomtree collective or on The Hamilton Mix Tape. But we think her real passion is doing up those cakes super fancy. She details for us what kinds of piping equipment and ingredients she uses to make beautiful flowers on all the cakes that she’s constantly and giving away to friends. You can learn why roses are easier and daisies are surprisingly tricky as you nod off to sleep with visions of cakes dancing in your head.