Neil Gaiman Will Not Name His Sourdough Starter

Sleeping with Celebrities - Podcast tekijän mukaan John Moe - Keskiviikkoisin


Neil Gaiman is perhaps least-known for his interest in SCOBY-s (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast), but that will no doubt change now that this episode has aired. Gaiman is a bestselling author whose books (American Gods, Coraline, Good Omens) often turn into movies or TV series. When the world was in lockdown at the start of the pandemic, Neil was alone on the Isle of Skye mastering the art of making sourdough bread and bagels. Fellow SCOBY enthusiasts that listen will learn the optimum amount of time one should boil bagels, as well as how to destroy and resuscitate living cultures. He’ll also caution against taking your bee colony with you if you move from Wisconsin to New York.

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