Phoebe Judge: Hardcore Clammer
Sleeping with Celebrities - Podcast tekijän mukaan John Moe - Keskiviikkoisin

You might know Phoebe Judge as the host of the podcast Criminal, now celebrating its tenth year. Depending on where you live, you might also know her for her clamshell driveway because she has one of those. It’s an indication of how very much she loves clams and how much she loves clamming, which is the term for going out to the ocean and digging up clams. Phoebe talks us through the different kinds of clams she encounters from her Cape Cod adventures. More like Cape CLAM, I should say. No, I shouldn’t. Sometimes Phoebe has a hard time giving away all the clams she has dug up, in which case she simply puts the bewildered li’l guys back in the ocean.