First Dinner [LIVE]

Join Caleb, his wife Hilary, and a group of wonderful friends for a special LIVE episode recorded in Newport Beach, CA. If you’re familiar with Spirit Farm at all, you’ve heard Caleb talk about “First Dinner.” Taking it’s name from Jesus’ famous Last Supper, this First Dinner, hosted by The Andersons, is an example and model of what it looks like to get together, share a meal, and talk about things that matter. We, at Spirit Farm, hope that whether it's your friends, family, neighbors, whoever... you are encouraged and inspired to host your own First Dinner! 

Om Podcasten

Inspiration for today’s spiritual growth and overall healthier living: body, mind, heart, soul. Caleb Anderson interviews amazing people that offer fresh insights and unique perspectives for a more fulfilling life. Plus, teachings that celebrate inclusive grace and wholistic growth, helping you connect with your true self, your Creator, and your community. If you're looking for purposeful personal development, Caleb will be your guide and Spirit Farm will move to the top of your playlist.