Sanhedrin 62: Violations while Unaware: Shabbat and Idolatry
Talking Talmud - Podcast tekijän mukaan Yardaena Osband & Anne Gordon

A one-discussion daf: If one did several acts of apparent worshipping of an idol in one time period of unawareness of the violation - that entails one sacrifice in apology, as it were. Except for the machloket on that decision. Which goes back to violations of Shabbat in one time period of unawareness of those violations. Which leads into a fundamental discussion of Hilkhot Shabbat, and back to avot/toladot, as categories of the laws of Shabbat. Also, a beraita that observes the stringencies that exist with regard to the laws of Shabbat that aren't present with regard to other mitzvot, and vice versa. Which the daf then spends time looking for what those stringencies are, respectively, again, with a focus on idolatry, in the context of Shabbat. Plus, the question of how many sin-offerings are required.