Sanhedrin 64: The Propensity of People to Do Evil
Talking Talmud - Podcast tekijän mukaan Yardaena Osband & Anne Gordon

A busy daf: First - a story of how the people prayed for idolatry to be removed from the world, to diminish sin. Including the need for an egg, which seems connected to the interest in idolatry, until they eventually "blind the eyes" of the "evil inclination" to sin. Also, the case of a non-Jewish woman who vows to worship all the idolatries if she recovers from a very serious illness -- which she does, until she comes to the practice of defecating before Pe'or, and she balks at that. Which gives the Gemara a chance to deride the Jews (Israelites) for falling prey to the practice of worshipping Pe'or -- both in the Torah, and a contemporary in the Gemara who sets out to mock the idol with his defecatory practice (though the priests marvel at him instead). Also, a new mishnah - on the practice of worshipping Molekh, and what it means to offer one's children .