Sanhedrin 77: Indirect Ways of Killing - a Manual
Talking Talmud - Podcast tekijän mukaan Yardaena Osband & Anne Gordon

When one person ties up another, and the tied-up person died of starvation, or of the elements (on delay), then the person who tied him up is exempt - unless he tied him up, for example, in such a way that the elements begin their affect on the person who dies immediately. Or a person ties another person up in front of a lion - where the lion might not eat the guy... or mosquitos, which would definitely bite him until he dies... that's the distinction between whether the perpetrator is held accountable or not. Plus, a discussion over who takes the approach of exempting the perpetrator, or holding him culpable. Also, a person in a pit where another party pushes a ladder in (so he can't escape), or when someone shoots an arrow at another, and another party takes the victim's shield... if that shield would have protected its holder, then the arrow-shooter wouldn't be held liable. Likewise, if one has medicine to heal himself at the time of the shooting, even if he later loses them, then the shooter is not liable. Including games that need to include a warning to be able to hold someone who uses the games as a means of the attack liable.