G0sh. X_x {The Black Hole}
OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force - Podcast tekijän mukaan Skrillex
Under the invisibility cloak of illusion, I had allowed the foolishness in my unavoidable attraction to Dillon Francis to become an illustrated manifestation of colorized imagery, while however parallel to the romanticization which had consumed me entirely with Sonny, had become imagined as a faction in my mind as a direct result in of the tragedy that was being burdened to a body not as percívably, tiny, white, and likable as that of Kayla Lauren—I used my almost childlike crush on Dillon as a distraction from the passionate and destructively chaotic black hole in my soul, which had rotted even my truest intentions and miraged even the purest of my imagination into a lack of ambition in achievement of anything other than just to become attractive—not seeking merely the attention but the devotion of perhaps, overall neither Sonny or Dillon—thought by now to both be soulmates, of some sort or another—but at the very least, someone of achievement— and of course, the proper genetics so that I might carry out my purpose in procreation; Understanding my deep sexual attraction to either of them to be of a maternal bond. By now I knew that it was the Paternal potential of either of them that drew me with such magnetism. What in the fuck Idk anymore, honestly. JUST KILL YOURSELF. No! The series is awesome. {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -U.