the scandi lifestyle concepts are taking over the online world ! the latest trend, trying its best to take the crown from danish trend sensation hygge is the swedish word lagom. what does it mean ? and do we really think lagom is something we should be encouraging anyone to aspire to ? we talk about : – what is lagom !? – what we think of it ! – where is the land of lagom ? – is lagom really the best (as the saying goes) ? – is lagom kind of similar to the japanese culture ? – is a swedish compliment almost an insult ? – are we lagom or not ? - why does jenny really eat so much !? and of course, it wouldn’t feel like tuesday without david’s semi-funny anecdote about people we don’t know : this week is epic ! if you've been listening for awhile, you know that our nemesis in life is the internet distributor telekom. in this episode we read an email we got from one of their employees who simply have had enough and it's not afraid to say it ! love // jenny & david For information regarding your data privacy, visit