THE PAULINE NORDIN Podcast - Podcast tekijän mukaan PAULINE NORDIN founder of Fighterdiet
I’m back in super writer mode and I’ve never felt MORE AT PEACE and SO HAPPI to take the time for myself to DELIVER FITNESS LIFE to you the way I want to do it and I want you to KNOW HOW I LIVE MY HAPPY FITNESS LIFE. The 4-12-1 Mohawk mosquito program I wrote today for the NEW YEARS IRON EAGLE TRAINING and I sure start JAN 1, the REDDEST DAY, right away when it’s new year and then I lead the messenger group + UNI eagles in training who are signed up for my iron eagles group! A new 4 week program will be my share and then customize it as we always do! I’m stoked for a new frontier in training and to LEAD THE REAL RAW NO AI BODY NO AI FITNESS MODEL COACH HOME TRAINING LIFE I TRULY LOVE and want you to know how I make love to my fitness life to STAY IN LOVE!