Episode 51: Green Hydrogen & Milford Haven Hydrogen Kingdom

The ReEnergise Podcast - Podcast tekijän mukaan Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult


Hosted by Michelle Hitches, Senior Project Manager at ORE Catapult, this episode discusses the theme of green hydrogen, specifically around the Milford Haven Hydrogen Kingdom. Green hydrogen has featured in a number of emissions reduction pledges at the UN Climate Conference COP26, as a means to decarbonise with government and industry alike acknowledging hydrogen as an important part of a Net Zero economy. Green hydrogen is the only type of hydrogen produced in a climate-neutral manner, which can be from offshore wind, solar and marine energy. While Milford Haven Hydrogen Kingdom is a project that explores the potential of zero carbon hydrogen alongside renewable electricity to meet all of our future energy needs. Launched very recently after the success of the Milford Haven: Energy Kingdom project that ended in 2022, we at ORE Catapult are excited to project manage this new hydrogen project. Michelle is joined by three guests: • Steve Matthews, Partner at ERM and CEO of Dolphyn Hydrogen • Henry James, Net Zero Portfolio Manager at Wales & West Utilities • Tim James, Infrastructure Development Director at Celtic Sea Power

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