185. How To Create Healthy Money Boundaries With Clients And Students
The Launch Lounge Podcast - Podcast tekijän mukaan Salome Schillack

Enforce Healthy Money Boundaries Without Losing Any Sleep When you’ve listened to today’s episode, you’ll feel confident knowing that you have a strong mindset for setting clear money boundaries and you'll have the tools to enforce those boundaries. Learn from my mistakes and set healthy boundaries with clients and students from day 1. When you know how to set healthy money boundaries you can rest easy knowing that future-you, your children, your team, and your business will always be safe. In today’s episode you’ll discover: How to remove friction at the point where people pay you to ensure you don’t have to deal with money boundary violations in the first place. The secret to removing your self-worth from your work’s-worth and the confidence this one shift can give you. A reminder of who you really serve and who you are protection when you hold firm on your boundaries and enforce them with love. How to draft responses to the most common boundary violations so you never have to reply to emails when you’re not feeling your best. Rest easy knowing you’ve delivered great value and know that refund requests and payment failures are part of being successful. I hope you leave this episode feeling stronger, healthier, and more profitable! Salome