How To Choose The Right Name For Your Online Course
The Launch Lounge Podcast - Podcast tekijän mukaan Salome Schillack

So you already know that launching an online course is the easiest way to change the way you work and create wealth for you, your family and your community - You know that right! ‘Course you do So you’ll want to give that course a cool name! The name is just a tiny part of your course, but it’s easily the one part that most often leads to procrastination. Tune in to today’s episode of The Shine Show to hear all about my own naming course naming confusion and how you can avoid making the same mistakes I did. You really will thank me. And I’ll also reveal what to do instead P.S. If you’ve been here a while you’ve probably heard me talk about my mentor Amy Porterfield and the life-changing (I kid you not!) impact she’s had on me. Amy has been my mentor since 2015 and as someone who has spent over $30,000 every year for the last 3 years on online courses, I can tell you that Amy’s training is hands down the very best in the industry. I know, because I have bought it ALL!! This year we are offering the best bonus ever for anyone who wants to learn from Amy AND also for anyone who has learned from Amy before. Yes, we will be offering a massive bonus when Amy launches her signature course Digital Course Academy this year but we are also extending that offer to any of the DCA alumni in our community. P.P.S If you are new to Amy’s teachings and want to find out exactly how she helped me quit my job and create a successful online courses business click here to sign up for the Digital Course Academy waitlist. P.P.P.S If you are already a DCA Alumni and you want to get the opportunity to go through the experience with us this year click here to find out how you can qualify to get access to our bonus.