Bug Out Vehicles: The Realistic Options

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A lot of thoughts goes into successfully bugging out, but the most important part is getting to where you’re going. While we all probably have an idea about what our perfect bug out vehicle would look like, it may not be realistic.

As I explain below, the best bug out vehicle is the one we own now, or one we are working on turning into a “dream bug out vehicle”. You don’t need to get from point A to point B in style, you just need to get there.

After you’re confident in your bug out vehicle, then you can think about bug out planning and communication, and bug out location, supplies and resources that need to be considered.

Suggested Reading: The Most important Prepping Supplies

Suggested Reading: Bug Out Bag Checklist

SPP308 Bug Out Vehicles: The Realistic Options

This week Lisa and I talked about bug out vehicles and why the best bug out vehicle doesn’t mean owning a $600,000 Unicat Expeditionary Vehicle.

The best bug out vehicle doesn’t necessarily need to be bullet proof and able to plow through road blocks. In my opinion, if you need that, you waited too long to get out of dodge.

A good bug out vehicle needs to be a few things…

* Reliable enough to get you where you are going without breaking down.* Affordable enough that you don’t break the budget.* And capable of getting you, everyone with you and your supplies where you want to go.

The reality is that even though we would like one of these “Super Bug Out Vehicles”, we don’t have the same budget the United States Military has. The most realistic BOV (bug out vehicle) might be the one you already have.

This article from ThePrepperJournal goes through some realistic bug out vehicles that you can actually afford. It also covers some things you need to consider like where are you going? What are you taking? And who is going with you?

“In my mind a bug out vehicle has to be able to accomplish a few tasks to even make the running. Ideally we have a vehicle that you can use daily that can also hold its own if forced to be put into action to get you out of a hairy situation.”

EMP Proof Vehicles

There is quite a bit of debate about what makes an EMP proof vehicle. Honestly it seems to me that we truly won’t know until that situation is thrust upon us. Some people say that you need something that was made before 1980 that doesn’t require electronic ignition.

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