Everyday Items I Will Miss When The SHTF

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The world we are living in today is a far cry from what I believe our forefathers set out for us to have, but in the US today everyone has become so focused on what they are entitled too, and it seems they have lost track of how to personally responsible and accountable for how they live their everyday lives.

But with the way things seem to be going today, one can’t help but wonder how long this illusion will last. Sooner or later everyone will have to pull their heads out of the sand and face the reality that things are not at all what they seem, and for most it will be too late. They will not have planned for the worst, and they will be the ones running to the big box stores trying to buy whatever they can before it is all gone.

However, you are not one of those people, and I know this, because you are here reading this article, and visiting many other preparedness websites gathering information.

If you are anything like me, you are planning for the day when you won’t be able to run out to the store to pick up that one thing you need to make dinner because you ran out. And since my brain is always trying to think ahead, I started wondering what are the 10 things I would miss the most, and what can I do to make sure I have what I want? Please understand this is a list of things that I feel are my indulgences, and items that may be luxuries, but to me, they matter.

So in no particular order, here are my favorite indulgences that I would miss, and would rather not go without:

1. Nexxus Shampoo and Conditioner

2. White Flour

3. Coffee Creamer

4. Toothpaste

5. Flavored Beverages

6. Toilet Paper

7. Household Cleaner

8. Information

9. Coffee

10. Chocolate

I know, this is not all important, and yes I could do without these things, but I don’t want to. So then I decided I would need to have a substitute in case my important comfort items were no longer available. So these are my options.

1 Nexxus Shampoo and Conditioner

Unfortunately, there is not really anything I could make that can compare to my favorite shampoo. I have used this for years and years, and yes there are less expensive products you can use on your hair, but for me this is something that is comforting and I enjoy. Not being able to figure out a way to replicate it means I need to think ahead, and plan. So I have to determine if this item is important to me, then I need to add it to my supplies. The sad thing is that shampoo doesn’t last forever, so I will need to have an alternative, but if I have a 2 year supply of my favorite shampoo, I will do what I can to make it last. And that will mean not using it as often, and saving it for special occasions.

Just because they may not make this shampoo anymore doesn’t mean I will never be able to have it again, if I plan for it. That means planning for the future, and saving what I have in order to have it last. Looking at every aspect of your planning, and having a complete plan is an integral part of prepping and being prepared.

2. White Flour

I know, white flour is not good for you. It has been bleached, and has lost a large portion of the nutritional value of the original whe...

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