Tips for Preparing With Children

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This week on the podcast we have a special guest Morgan from RoguePreparedness on with us to talk about preparedness with children and some challenges she recently encountered.

Morgan recently went on a multi-state 30 day trip with her husband and 2 children and shared some of her takeaways with us. Experiences like this are a great way to find the flaws in your bug out plans, and gives you an idea about how difficult bugging out with children could actually be.

Morgan is very active on social media and has some great videos on YouTube. If you have small children and have any questions, she is definitely the person to ask.

Below are some of the topics we covered in this weeks show, but make sure and listen because we went through so much more.

Tips for Preparing With Children

Sometimes in any given household only one of the parents is concerned about preparedness, and most of the time the children in that household could care less, after all their idea of doomsday is losing a girlfriend or their cell phone breaking.

If we do this correctly we can at the very least increase awareness about preparedness without turning them off to the idea all together. This article is about teaching your children about preparedness, but some of the principals can be applied to your other family members as well.

We need to remember that each person, child or adult, has a different personality and will take a different approach when we discuss prepping. Some people learn better by reading from a book, and some people need to be hands. Some people are more analytical, and some people are more emotional. It’s up to us to figure out what the best teaching method is for each child.

The age of your children needs to also be taken into account. As Lisa and I talked about in the show, we got serious about prepping when our children were already teenagers, and while it is possible to teach an old dog new tricks, it is far more challenging than teaching them right in the first place.

I came up with 9 ideas that might help build your child’s (or children) awareness about preparedness, these might need to be changed here and there depending on your child’s needs, but the principals remain the same.

1. Teach Them to Respect the Essentials

Children these days have no idea about what life is like without technology, and they have no idea where food and water actually come from. If the internet goes out for just an hour they have no idea what to do, and when all the spaghettiO’s are gone they act like there is nothing in the house to eat.

Teach them about food and water, teach them about electricity. Teaching them not to take for granted that the lights just magically come on when you flip a switch, and the water might not always flow from the faucet will give them an appreciation for what they have.

2. Teach the Basics of Prepping

You hear the stories all the time, and it might even be you. “I’ve been a prepper my whole life, and didn’t know It.

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