What if Nothing Happens: Is Prepping a Waste of Time

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If you’ve ever wondered if all the prepping supplies you buy, and all the time you invest in preparedness is a waste of time you’re not alone. It’s only natural to question whether something your doing is worth it or not.

You’ve probably heard it a hundred times, but prepping is just
like paying your auto insurance every month. You hope you never need to use it,
but your glad it’s there when you need to.

In fact, I think if you do second guess yourself from time to time, it means your doing something right. People who invest little money and time into preparedness don’t worry much about how much they are wasting.

So if you second guess yourself it only means you’re becoming better prepared and investing in your future.

SPP297 What if Nothing

This week we have a replay that Lisa and I first did a
couple of years ago about why prepping isn’t just a waste of time. We went over
some ways to ensure that the money you put into preparedness isn’t just wasted
if nothing happens.

The Genesis of Prepping

We all get interested in preparedness for different reasons.
Some of us have been through something that changed our view on being prepared
when a disaster strikes, and some of us are naturally skeptical of government and
where the world is heading.

Unfortunately, a large number of people who start prepping
tend to step off the gas pedal within a year or so. This is because their fears
subside, or because they can’t justify investing time and money into disaster
preparedness when life is good.

To me this is very dangerous. It’s worse to know better and
do nothing, than to be ignorant all together. If you know the oil is low on
your car, and you choose to do nothing about it, it falls squarely on your
shoulders when your car breaks down.

Is Prepping a Waste
of Money?

If you go out and fill your pantry with canned food and let it sit there, then yes, prepping is a waste of money. If you use that food, and store food that your family eats, your not spending any more money than you would have if you went to the store once a week.

As far as prepping gear and supplies go, there are some things that are strictly for prepping (like gas masks) but most items can be used on a daily basis. Solar equipment, 2-way radios, flashlights, and medical supplies are all important to have whether or not you are a prepper.

Becoming Complacent

A little while back Lisa and I did a show about battling complacency and prepper burnout. Because we never know when disaster will strike, it’s very easy to become complacent and drop the ball.

Using the car insurance analogy, we can go years without being involved in an accident. All it takes is one poor decision or bad weather conditions to turn everything upside down.

The Big Picture and Prepping

To the average person prepping probably seems like what they see on shows like Doomsday Preppers. People with too much money and too much time pre...

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