TEASER: Inside Automotive Journalism with Bob Sorokanich

Have you ever wondered what the reporters who cover the auto industry think about oversized SUVs and pickups and whether the fever for these gas-guzzling, space-hogging, planet-heating and people-killing monstrosities will ever break? Bob Sorokanich has some opinions.   Bob Sorokanich was the Editor-In-Chief of Jalopnik, the news site about cars, the auto industry and transportation in general. He was also the Deputy Editor of Road & Track, one of the most historic and important auto magazines in the U.S., if not the world. In this expansive conversation, Bob talks about the changing face of automotive journalism and why most people — even the most died-in-the-wool car enthusiasts — hate the kind of driving they typically experience today.   ***This is a preview of a Patreon-exclusive bonus episode. For complete access to this and all of our bonus content, become a Patreon supporter of The War on Cars.***

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The War on Cars is a podcast about car culture, mobility and the future of cities. We bring you news, commentary and stories about the worldwide battle to undo a century's worth of damage wrought by the automobile. The War on Cars is waged by three leading voices of the livable streets movement, Doug Gordon, Sarah Goodyear and Aaron Naparstek. Liberate your city. Enlist today in The War on Cars.