Episode 067 : Tuula Höök
True Crime Finland - Podcast tekijän mukaan Minna

20-year-old Tuula Höök moved to the island of Jersey in the hopes of bettering her language skills and furthering her career dreams of becoming a model. If you have any information about this case, please reach out to the States police by phone at 612612 or by email [email protected]. You can also contact Crimestoppers at 0800 555 111. ***IMPORTANT*** I will be taking a break for the month of April – that is my birthday month and I’m currently quite overwhelmed with university and making this podcast. I did not take a break for Christmas or New Year either, so I will take some time off now but don’t worry, I will be back soon enough! In the meantime, please stay safe and healthy everyone! If you are able to and would like to help me with the costs of this podcast, you can do that on Patreon where you can donate as little as two dollars a month and in return, get exclusive access to ad-free episodes, scripts, bonus episodes on various topics and other nice rewards. Visit the page at https://www.patreon.com/truecrimefinland Art is by Mark Pernia Music is "Night" by VVSMUSIC My art store: https://society6.com/minnanen Podcast swag store: https://www.redbubble.com/people/tc-finland/shop?asc=u Email: [email protected] Website: https://truecrimefinland.squarespace.com Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/507039419636994/ Twitter & Instagram: tc_finland Are you interested in advertising on this podcast? Find out more at https://www.advertisecast.com/TrueCrimeFinland