Episode 119: Visiting 93 Casinos in 24 Hours, The Best Places To Play Video Poker/Electronic Table Games In Las Vegas With John & Kristina Mehaffey of VegasAdvantage.com
Vegas Confessions Podcast - Podcast tekijän mukaan Vegas Confessions

Enjoy my fun chat with John & Kristina Mehaffey of VegasAdvantage.com who not only keep you up to date with the latest information in casino gaming, They also include odds and the information you want to know about the casino games, Especially when they add new games and which ones to stay away from. Plus our fun chat about how they spent their 21st Wedding Anniversary visiting 93 casino in Las Vegas. How they ended up in las Vegas, We cover some very important topics of the things to consider when moving to Las Vegas & Things people should expect. From fun places they enjoy hanging out & Why majority of locals avoid visiting the Las Vegas strip like the plague. Consider following them on Social Media as well, For fun casino updates as well. Enjoy Folks! Want bonus content as soon as it's released & Shoutouts? Consider becoming a VCP patreon member: https://www.patreon.com/VegasConfessionsPodcast Buy Us a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/VCPodcast Give Us A Follow On Social Media: Twitter: https://twitter.com/Vegasconfesspod Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vegas_confessions_podcast/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vegasconfessionspod