Come Away By Yourselves

Podcast tekijän mukaan Fr. John Grieco


306 Jaksot

  1. [Rebroadcast] St. Matthew and the Certainty of Faith

    Julkaistiin: 20.9.2024
  2. [Rebroadcast] September 14: Triumph of the Cross, Triumph of Love

    Julkaistiin: 14.9.2024
  3. "Be strong, fear not!": Christian Courage

    Julkaistiin: 7.9.2024
  4. "Welcome the word that has been planted in you"

    Julkaistiin: 31.8.2024
  5. Finding Christ, Found By Christ

    Julkaistiin: 24.8.2024
  6. Choosing the Better Part

    Julkaistiin: 17.8.2024
  7. Spiritual Olympics

    Julkaistiin: 10.8.2024
  8. Rebroadcast: The Bread of Life Discourse

    Julkaistiin: 5.8.2024
  9. Resting with Jesus

    Julkaistiin: 20.7.2024
  10. "To be holy in his sight": Playing our Role for God

    Julkaistiin: 13.7.2024
  11. Meeting Christ Afresh

    Julkaistiin: 6.7.2024
  12. Rebroadcast: St. Josemaria and the Vocation to Work

    Julkaistiin: 26.6.2024
  13. Rebroadcast: Lessons From Jesus Asleep

    Julkaistiin: 23.6.2024
  14. "With all your mind" - Adoration and Thinking about God

    Julkaistiin: 22.6.2024
  15. Jesus Present and Alive

    Julkaistiin: 15.6.2024
  16. Rebroadcast -- The Sacred Heart of Jesus: A Call to Radical Love

    Julkaistiin: 7.6.2024
  17. Rebroadcast: The Feast of Corpus Christi: "Adoro te devote"

    Julkaistiin: 2.6.2024
  18. Our Triune God of Love

    Julkaistiin: 25.5.2024
  19. [Rebroadcast] Pentecost: Come Holy Spirit!

    Julkaistiin: 19.5.2024
  20. In the School of Mary

    Julkaistiin: 18.5.2024

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"Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while." These words of Jesus Christ are an invitation to personal and intimate prayer. The meditations offered in this podcast are intended to help the listener enter into his own prayerful relationship with God. By reflecting on scenes from the Gospel, on other passages from Scripture, and on the insights of saints and spiritual writers, we can strengthen our faith in Jesus and our love for God. In the Gospel of John, Jesus says, "I have called you my friends." By regular meditation and dialogue with Our Lord in prayer, our life can be transformed into an ever deepening and loving friendship with God.

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