GitHub Daily Trend
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1563 Jaksot
GitHub - taichi-dev/taichi: Productive, portable, and performant GPU programming in Python.
Julkaistiin: 21.12.2024 -
GitHub - vitest-dev/vitest: Next generation testing framework powered by Vite.
Julkaistiin: 21.12.2024 -
GitHub - github/CopilotForXcode: Xcode extension for GitHub Copilot
Julkaistiin: 21.12.2024 -
GitHub - PatrickJS/awesome-cursorrules: 📄 A curated list of awesome .cursorrules files
Julkaistiin: 21.12.2024 -
GitHub - Helicone/helicone: 🧊 Open source LLM-Observability Platform for Developers. One-line in...
Julkaistiin: 21.12.2024 -
GitHub - Genesis-Embodied-AI/Genesis: A generative world for general-purpose robotics & embodied ...
Julkaistiin: 21.12.2024 -
GitHub - scylladb/scylladb: NoSQL data store using the seastar framework, compatible with Apache ...
Julkaistiin: 21.12.2024 -
GitHub - microsoft/PowerToys: Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
Julkaistiin: 21.12.2024 -
GitHub - shardeum/shardeum: Shardeum is an EVM based autoscaling blockchain
Julkaistiin: 20.12.2024 -
GitHub - ethereum-lists/chains: provides metadata for chains
Julkaistiin: 20.12.2024 -
GitHub - mui/base-ui: Base UI is an open-source library of accessible, unstyled UI components for...
Julkaistiin: 20.12.2024 -
GitHub - konfig-dev/konfig: SDK & API Docs Generator. Sunset as of December 2024
Julkaistiin: 20.12.2024 -
GitHub - unitreerobotics/unitree_rl_gym
Julkaistiin: 20.12.2024 -
GitHub - anoma/anoma: Reference implementation of Anoma
Julkaistiin: 19.12.2024 -
GitHub - eslint/eslint: Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code.
Julkaistiin: 19.12.2024 -
GitHub - XiaoMi/ha_xiaomi_home: Xiaomi Home Integration for Home Assistant
Julkaistiin: 19.12.2024 -
GitHub - swaggo/swag: Automatically generate RESTful API documentation with Swagger 2.0 for Go.
Julkaistiin: 19.12.2024 -
GitHub - luckjiawei/frpc-desktop: frp跨平台桌面客户端,可视化配置,轻松实现内网穿透! 支持所有frp版本
Julkaistiin: 19.12.2024 -
GitHub - seleniumbase/SeleniumBase: Python APIs for web automation, testing, and bypassing bot-de...
Julkaistiin: 19.12.2024 -
GitHub - DS4SD/docling: Get your documents ready for gen AI
Julkaistiin: 19.12.2024
GitHub trends to you daily. This podcast features popular GitHub repositories in an audio format, presented in a radio style. Stay updated on the latest trending technologies with ease. This is an unofficial channel, and we are not affiliated with the original media sources. The content is curated and produced independently by a Japanese software engineer. Powered by VoiceFeed.