Episode 107 Lori Whitman A catalyst moment that started an amazing health transformation journey the first 8 months.

The Fasting Highway - Podcast tekijän mukaan Graeme Currie - Sunnuntaisin

I am a secretary in a high school.  Being around students keeps me young at heart, but my body started feeling old, tired, and frumpy. Over the years I put on a few pounds a year and I got to the point where I thought I needed to just accept my weight gain as part of aging.  In April of 2021 someone posted a picture of me on Facebook and I couldn't believe it was me!  I felt like I really let myself down but didn’t know what to do about it.  I have never done a “diet plan” as I don’t like to cook, and I have no willpower to give up foods I like.  So, I was never a Yo-Yo dieter. Around the same time that picture was posted, I randomly found Jason Fung on YouTube and watched his video on Intermittent Fasting.  I thought what Dr, Fung had to say made sense and was something I could try. I now look at finding that video not as random at all but maybe a divine intervention!   Over the next four months, I would also find Gin Stephens podcast and Graeme Currie with the Fasting Highway podcast and started listening every night.  I started reading books on fasting to learn all I could.   I fast an average of 19 hours per day with various lengths of eating windows and to my amazement lost 30. pounds in four months and went from a size 12 to a size 6.  My physical body now matches my mind and I feel better at 58 than I did at 48.  I willingly share with my friends about IF and the fact they don't need to settle in the body they are in, if it is not the one that is making them happy. The Fasting Highway. My book about my own story The Fasting Highway is available on Amazon in both paperback and kindle. For Australian and New Zealand residents, you can buy the book direct from me at www.thefastinghighway.com. For the rest of the world Amazon is your best option. You can follow me on Instagram at graemecurrie_63 or join The Fasting Highway Facebook Group. Enjoy The Show Graeme. Disclaimer all views expressed in this podcast episode are those of the guest and host. No part of this podcast should be taken as medical advice. Please consult your medical professional before commencing any health plan

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