Episode 124 Grant Brooker Finding a heathier life living an intermittent fasting lifestyle losing 30 Kg (66 pounds)

The Fasting Highway - Podcast tekijän mukaan Graeme Currie - Sunnuntaisin

Born the lightest baby but grew up to be the largest in the family. Growing up I was the chubby kid . We grew up with three meals a day with snacks which consisted of biscuits, lollies, and ice cream, the normal confectionary that time. As a child I have had issue with my body due to remarks from others which stuck in my mind as a kid that made me feel more insecure about my built. As a kid it was hard to hear negative comments about personal appearance coming from people. And reality does hurt your feelings As time went on I would watch the scales go up and down. Travelling to see relatives, I would try to lose some weight but it always come back on when returning from overseas and some more, the plane table would never sit flat it was a mission trying to eat the food off the tray. I can remember one time we flew to Christchurch and boarding the plane I split my long shorts as they were 6xl they caught on a arm of the seat. Buying clothes would always put me on a low especially seeing my size going from 5 and 6xl, that would always motivate me to start losing again. The things that were holding back my body from losing weight were the snacks. The 4 slices of toasts with cheese and jam toppings lunches being brought from the bakery every work day. The sugar filled smoothies, the vanilla slices, the fried food and the evening meal plus pudding, yes you guessed it ice cream and fruit juice lots of that and fizzy drink. When it came to Friday and Saturday nights takeaways even Sunday’s with that added sugary drinks milkshakes were a favorite. I would finish band practice and drink a large chocolate shake at 9pm so the body was processing that sugar late into the night. Suffering from severe gout attacks I was put on medication to control it. I would only have to look at a slice of brownie and get a gout attack. I also have high blood pressure once again being controlled by medication which I hopefully can come off one day in the future. The Fasting Highway Patreon Community If you enjoy these episodes and want to help to get it out to the world, please join our patreon community. Without the help from our patrons to bring you the podcast each week it won't be sustainable to keep doing them. So please, if you enjoy them your support would be very welcome. For details on the two levels of support you can give to the podcast please go to ⁠⁠⁠⁠The Fasting Highway | Intermittent Fasting Podcast & Community | Patreon⁠⁠⁠⁠ You can win a mentoring prize get exclusive early access to the podcasts and get access to the fasting highway audio book. Plus, bonus content and a monthly online coffee catch up by zoom along with bonus episodes and webinars for our top tier patrons. Please consider this as its vital we get the support of the listeners to bring it to you each week and continue into the future. Graeme is also now available to have a private one on one coaching and mentoring session with you. He can help you with those burning questions. How to get started or overcome issues no matter what phase you are up to on your intermittent fasting journey. Get accountable and come and have a chat with Graeme who is vastly experienced in all areas of intermittent fasting and the mindset it takes. To book a time go to the website click get help/coaching. www.thefastinghighway.com Click on get help/coaching and book a time and date to suit you. All times you see available are in your local time. You will also find information at the web site on how to obtain a copy of his book The Fasting Highway from your Amazon store or direct from him if you live in Australia or New Zealand. Disclaimer-Nothing you hear on the podcast should be taken as medical advice. All views expressed are those of the guest and host.

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