Episode 160- Anne Henley, losing fifty pounds in the first six months and maintaining. Living a sustainable long term intermittent fasting lifestyle.

The Fasting Highway - Podcast tekijän mukaan Graeme Currie - Sunnuntaisin

By Anne Henley I live in South Carolina on Lake Murray outside Columbia (the capital). I am married, and we just celebrated 30 years in October. I have two grown children, one is in his first year of graduate school in Michigan and the other just got married (Oct 29, 2022). Back story. I became complacent and tired. I have always been an active person, and actually have a degree in health fitness from Springfield College in Springfield Massachusetts.  The year I graduated is not important (Ha HA). I never really got what I consider huge, but I did my biometrics for my health insurance and I saw the word obese under my BMI. We moved into our forever home the summer of 2018, and my youngest started college that August.  My oldest was in graduate school and living in downtown Columbia. I was by myself a lot and enjoying the empty nest. We (husband and I) ate when and what we wanted.  Keep in mind I am only 5’ 1’’ so a small amount of extra weight really shows on me. My husband is 6’ 4 “and pretty much eats what he wants, and his eating habits are horrible. He just recently was diagnosed with Diabetes and has had to revamp his whole life.  His GP had told him several times he was pre-diabetic and gave him Mediterranean diet info.  Fast forward to April of 2019, my son and daughter were home for Easter. I felt unattractive, bloated, and none of my clothes really fit. Keep in mind I was still exercising (walk at lunch) after work, Nordic trac ski machine before work, however I was overindulging by rationalizing that I had exercised. Well, we had pictures taken for Easter, the kids and I outside Church after service. I looked at it, did not recognize myself and was totally disgusted with myself. By Tuesday (4/23/19) after Easter I had stumbled across Intermittent Fasting online. I read about it, and it made sense.  I immediately order Gin’s book (Delay, Don’t Deny) off amazon. I actually started fasting before I received the book. April 23, 2019 is what I consider my starting date, I weighed 167 pounds, and I was mortified and so disappointed in myself. I started with 16:8 and it was so relatively easy. I found the FB support group and off I went. The hardest thing for me was black coffee. I chocked it down the first couple of days, but I got the hang of it.  My husband kept asking are you sure it was worth it. I weighed every day and I still do.  -123 ( 6 months) forty-four pounds lost. Anne. The Fasting Highway News How you can support the podcast and be part of bringing great stories to life. If you enjoy these episodes and want to help to get it out to the world, please join our patreon community. Without the help from our patrons to bring you the podcast each week it won't be sustainable to keep doing them. So please, if you enjoy them become a patron of the podcast. For details on the two levels of support you can give to help the podcast continue please go to ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠The Fasting Highway | Intermittent Fasting Podcast & Community | Patreon⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ You can win a mentoring prize get exclusive early access to the podcasts and get access to the fasting highway audio book. Plus, bonus content and a monthly online coffee catch up by zoom along with bonus episodes and webinars for our top tier patrons. Please consider this as its vital we get the support of the listeners to bring it to you each week and continue into the future. Graeme is now available to have a private one on one coaching and mentoring session with you. He can help you with those burning questions. How to get started or overcome issues no matter what phase you are up to on your intermittent fasting journey. Get accountable and come and have a chat with Graeme who is vastly experienced in all areas of intermittent fasting and the mindset it takes. www.thefastinghighway.com Disclaimer-Nothing you hear on the podcast should be taken as medical advice. All views expressed are those of the guest and host.

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