Episode 240 Christina Salata A story about more than just weight loss finding the music and joy within an incredible journey.

The Fasting Highway - Podcast tekijän mukaan Graeme Currie - Sunnuntaisin

Bio for Graeme My name is Christina Sala­ta. I’m 52 years young and mar­ried to My hus­band, who is get­ting ready to re­tire af­ter 30 years as a chica­go fire­fight­er. We have four adult children and two grand­chil­dren. I re­ceived my bach­e­lors of Arts de­gree in so­ci­ol­o­gy and hu­man ser­vices in 1994. I worked in the cor­po­rate world un­til 2008. In 2008, I made a mas­sive life change and be­came a walk­ing mail car­ri­er for the U.S. Po­stal Ser­vi­ce. I am a vo­ra­cious read­er, typ­i­cal­ly in the process of read­ing 3 or 4 dif­fer­ent books on any giv­en day. One I read in the morn­ing be­fore work. One at the end of my workday while wait­ing to punch out. One in the evening af­ter din­ner and one I keep by my bed­side. All vary be­tween his­to­ry, world re­li­gions, phi­los­o­phy, and sci­ence. My fa­vorite say­ing and the thing I’ve learned to say is “I don’t know” be­cause I know when I say that I’m about to learn some­thing new, and I love that! I do yoga al­most every day as a form of move­ment med­i­ta­tion and breath work that I've found ex­treme­ly ben­e­fi­cial for my strug­gles with anx­i­ety. Dis­tance run­ning has also been a nat­ur­al rem­e­dy for my de­pres­sion, and I hope to com­plete my first ultra-marathon in 2025. My pas­sion for the past three years has been writ­ing a fic­tion­al book that is a metaphor for what I see hap­pen­ing in our world and the strug­gles and pain I’ve walked through (well, some­times crawled through) in my life. It is not a project I write for any­one else but for my­self. It has been cathar­tic, and there­fore, I have not put a time­frame on it but let it flow from my brain to my fin­ger­tips as the uni­verse in­tends it to and at its pace. Fast­ing was/is a cat­a­lyst for mas­sive change and heal­ing in my life, my hope in shar­ing my sto­ry is that it res­onates with some­one and, in so do­ing, helps them as well Join Our Patreon Supporters Community Please consider joining the Fasting Highway Patreon community. It has been great for all who have joined. It has become an excellent add-on to our Patreon members' IF lifestyle, who enjoy a lot of bonus content to support them in living an IF life. For less than a cup of coffee a month, you can join and support your own health goals. Graeme hosts three Zoom meetings monthly in the Northern and Southern hemispheres for members to come and get support for their IF lifestyle, which has proven very popular with our Patreon members. You will not find anywhere that provides that kind of support and accountability for just 0.16 cents a day. I cannot urge you more strongly to give it your utmost consideration. Please go to www.patreon.com/thefastinghighway to see the benefits you get back and how to join. Private coaching is available with Graeme one-on-one. Please go to www.thefastinghighway.com, click help get coaching, and book a time that suits you. All times you see are in your local time zone. Graeme's best-selling book, The Fasting Highway, about his journey and how he did it, is available in paperback and Kindle at your local Amazon store. It is also available on audio at Applebooks, Kobo, Spotify, and many other audiobook platforms. Disclaimer: Nothing in this podcast should be taken as medical advice. The opinions expressed herein are those of the host and guest only.

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